Saturday, February 7, 2009

Rainforest Plants - Passion Flower

Family: Passifloraceae

Genus: Passiflora

Species: incarnata, edulis

Common names: passion fruit, passionflower, carkifelek, Charkhi Felek, maypop, maypop passionflower

General Description: The passion flower is a climbing vine renowned for its beautiful white flowers with purple, blue, or pink calyx crown blooms. This vid is very attractive, growing or raising, flowers and nuts. It is ten feet to twenty feet long, with alternate leaves.

Location: passionflower, passion fruit known in the Amazon, is indigenous to many tropical and semi-tropical areas - South America to North America.

Uses: There are over 200 species of passion flower vines, the species most prevalent in the Amazon is Passiflora edulis. Indian tribes across the Amazon have long used leaves of the passion flower of sedatives and pain-relieving properties, the fruit is used as a cardiac tonic and to soothe coughs. Local Amazonian leaf tea used as a sedative. As an herb used for anxiety, stress, insomnia, and for centuries, Passion Flower is considered safe when taken as directed

Passion Flower is thought to affect the nervous system in several ways. This herb was investigated scientifically less than one hundred years ago, when it was found that has an analgesic (pain-killing) property and to prevent, without side effects, insomnia caused by inflammation of the brain. This herb is best known as a mild sedative, especially useful to help relieve insomnia and other sleep disorders. Today it is an ingredient in several sleeping pills. Passion Flower may also increase the effects of other drugs and natural products that promote sleep.

This strikingly beautiful plant is native to the western hemisphere and is cultivated in many temperate gardens. Passion Flower vine is attractive in a garden trellis, fences, hanging on a wall or a slope sprawl. It is popular with gardeners because of its intricate, scented flowers that look almost plastic appearance. Passion Flower is known historically to have been cultivated in the gardens of the Aztec kings and priests.

Passion Flower is widely employed by herbalists and natural health professionals around the world today, contributing to the sustainability of the Amazon rainforest. It is one of the most beautiful flowers in all of nature.|| fruit baskets ||online slot casino||pediatricians in new york

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Flowers As Birthday Gifts

How often has struggled to find that perfect birthday present to complete the purchase of something trivial and boring? Happens to the best of us and is very likely to happen if you are looking for a last-minute gift. Flowers are the perfect way to go when you need something that is significant.

There are many reasons to give flowers as a birthday present. Here are some:

• The flowers are beautiful and can be chosen to suit the recipient. Even kids will enjoy receiving a more masculine potted flowering plant.
• You can always find flowers, even last minute.
• There are online florists will allow you to order online for delivery in another state or country.
• The flowers go with everything. You can pair a bouquet of flowers with a box of chocolates for a romantic gift, tickets to a football match for a sports fan, or a stuffed animal as a nice gift for a child.
• Most people do not think to give flowers as a birthday present, so it is possible, the current will be quite unique.

However, only includes the nearest bouquet isn `ta good way to make a donation significantly. You want the right to choose flowers for the occasion and this may take a little time and research, although it `s possible to do so last minute.

What to consider when choosing flowers

Flores favorite: Do you know the recipient's favorite flower is? Instead of buying generic roses, find your gift is much appreciated when you bring a bunch of Gerber daisies. . . the birthday girl `s favorite!

Secret messages: Did you know that in Victorian times, flowers were used to send messages? Each flower has a specific meaning and together, they can be used to form a secret, one of a kind of messages. For example, baby `s breathing means" party ", gardenias mean" joy "and orange blossoms stand for" fertility ". By combining flowers and select a password, you can give a very special birthday message.

Long term: If you really are not sure which flowers to choose, consider going with more lasting flowers like daisies, carnations or mothers who stay fresh and beautiful for several days a week. In this way the recipient can enjoy them for a long time.

Accessories: There `s no reason to leave with just the flowers. To make your very special birthday present in a way that the recipient emotion. An example would be forget-me-not in a glass to someone who enjoys a tea party, a vase hand in their favorite colors, their favorite flower, or maybe a potted plant, along with a palette for planting in the garden.

Gender: Women are not the only ones who enjoy receiving flowers, but for men, will have to be more selective. Obviously a bunch of roses won `t be the perfect birthday present for a particularly macho. Men prefer something a little more masculine, as a branch of flowers or a plant that has a lot of vegetation. But do not give flowers as a gift for a male friend. . . over 60% of men say they would like to receive flowers. Combine it with a bottle of celebratory champagne and you have 'the perfect birthday present.
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Saturday, January 3, 2009

Flower Gift Baskets

The flowers are a symbol of love, devotion and reflection. Therefore, give flowers as gifts has always been popular, and remains so. It is now easier than ever to buy different varieties of flowers and baskets of flowers, even flower shops.

Flower gift baskets have advantages over regular gifts of flowers, because they are generally more elegantly designed, most prestigious, and often more personalized. For this reason, gift baskets of flowers tend to be more expensive. But the money spent on them is money well spent. You have a wide range of options, and may even have customized arrangements, styles and designs made basket. You are also free to choose which flower cuts, varieties, colors and sizes you want.

Looking for deals in baskets of flowers need not be at all disappointing. All you need is to do a little research. Browsing and reading about the flowers can help you. Magazines offer the information you need, such as the useful life of certain species of flowers, the flowers are best for the basket of agreements, and where you can find them.

But his instinct too. Ask yourself, what will your recipient as the best? It will also have to be patient and resources. If you do not find the flowers they want in a store, go further and look for another. Do not forget to buy flowers only stores with a good reputation.

The Internet is home to many flower shops that carry baskets of flowers gift for different purposes and occasions. You can e-mail or the phone and call their toll-free numbers for requesting information about the bids. Remember that the different flower shops each has different payment and delivery of policies. Most accept major credit and debit cards. Flower gift baskets are typically delivered within three days, but you can order "express" for next day delivery if you pay extra.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Plant A Flower Day

March 12 is called a Day Flower plants. Why this day is celebrated on March 12, could not be found out by me. How did the tradition becomes known. At least I could not find any information on that. But who has not done a great service to humanity.

Why do I say? Let me elaborate. Pick a flower if you have one nearby, or imagine a flower. Have you seen anything more beautiful in nature? Yes, butterflies come in colors as competitors. But butterflies are insects, whereas flowers belong to the plant world. Look around the landscape. What we hope to find? Trees, waterfalls, streams, rivers, mountains, fruits, rocks, stones, grass and other natural objects that make a typical landscape. You can add snow and sand to this list in some regions. Now any of these can claim similar to the beauty of the flowers? Is there anything that can compare with the softness, the shape and the fragrance of flowers? Nothing.

On a lighter note, one can imagine anything but a gift of flowers to your sweetheart? Can you imagine presenting him or her a bowl of water on Valentine's Day? Or make a bunch of dry grass. Any rocks? No. Flowers score over everything. The heavenly fragrance of some flowers can intoxicate anyone. The softness can be matched by an infant skin. The flowers are diamonds in the world of plants and can even beat diamonds in almost all grades. Compare the cost of a flower and a diamond. You will choose the former.

I can not continue talking about flowers and their many uses. It seems that nature created flowers to us, please. Plant a flowering tree or shrub for each 12 March and enjoy watching it grow.Adult Novelties