Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Plant A Flower Day

March 12 is called a Day Flower plants. Why this day is celebrated on March 12, could not be found out by me. How did the tradition becomes known. At least I could not find any information on that. But who has not done a great service to humanity.

Why do I say? Let me elaborate. Pick a flower if you have one nearby, or imagine a flower. Have you seen anything more beautiful in nature? Yes, butterflies come in colors as competitors. But butterflies are insects, whereas flowers belong to the plant world. Look around the landscape. What we hope to find? Trees, waterfalls, streams, rivers, mountains, fruits, rocks, stones, grass and other natural objects that make a typical landscape. You can add snow and sand to this list in some regions. Now any of these can claim similar to the beauty of the flowers? Is there anything that can compare with the softness, the shape and the fragrance of flowers? Nothing.

On a lighter note, one can imagine anything but a gift of flowers to your sweetheart? Can you imagine presenting him or her a bowl of water on Valentine's Day? Or make a bunch of dry grass. Any rocks? No. Flowers score over everything. The heavenly fragrance of some flowers can intoxicate anyone. The softness can be matched by an infant skin. The flowers are diamonds in the world of plants and can even beat diamonds in almost all grades. Compare the cost of a flower and a diamond. You will choose the former.

I can not continue talking about flowers and their many uses. It seems that nature created flowers to us, please. Plant a flowering tree or shrub for each 12 March and enjoy watching it grow.Adult Novelties

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